A Zaptig Journey

I grew up identified as long, tall, and bony.

Until one morning in 6th grade. I woke up with bloated cheeks and rounded arms. My class picture that year left an image of a heavy and pudgy girl, so different from the previous year’s photo.

I wrestled my succeeding years in high school as a plump teenager. I spent my college years trying all the possible tricks to slash down the fats– crash diets, exhausting exercises.

Well, it was not that difficult to achieve that goal then.

Soon, I lost the excess weight and was able to wear lean office clothes.

But after a few decades and three childbirths, I woke up one day with more than bloated cheeks, the rounded arms, and a very thick tummy.

And it has not been easy to shed the excess fats again.

The journey was such a disappointing cycle. I repeatedly failed myself. I gained back the pounds, which I initially lost; and worst, it’s actually doubled up.

But, today, I went out and I am trying again. To lose weight, to change my lifestyle.

Not to look good in photos, but to take the choice of growing old with my children. I want to create more meaningful memories with them.

It will be undeniably hard. Yet, this is my own last chance to do it and today, hesitation is the last thing on my mind.

© M.C. Padilla

Image by SlowlyMoon on Pixabay 

Written in response to the  Daily Prompt: Dubious

  • If you are dubious about something, you are not completely sure about it and have not yet made up your mind about it. (adjective)